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+ Quimigrama
+ Fotopolímero 
+ Hectografía

Emily Swift – Flora Fanzutti – Gal Wachs - Hilde Maassen - Sofia Nercasseau

A tener en cuenta: 

+ El idioma del título indica el idioma del taller. 

+ Para tomar talleres hay que ser participante del festival, regístrate aquí.  

T52. Chemigrams. Making a 1/1 Darkroom Print
Emily Swift

The chemigram workshop offers an immersive experience into the creative exploration of the darkroom. Participants will learn to manipulate paper before, during, and after exposure, employing various techniques for abstract results. Each chemigram is unique due to complex chemical reactions, offering participants the chance to create one-of-a-kind artworks. The workshop includes an overview of chemigrams with inspiring examples, exploration of exposure techniques, practical demonstrations of development processes, and a group critique session for sharing work and discussing ideas.



• Introduction and explanation of the process with project examples

• Exposing the paper

• Processing the chemigrams showing the different techniques

• Group critique and review, Q&A about the process.

Note: The chemigram process involves manipulating darkroom paper before, during, or after exposure, with or without a film negative. Both methods produce abstract results, with using a negative allowing for photo manipulation and without resulting in deeply abstract pieces. Each chemigram is unique due to the unpredictability of chemical reactions, ensuring that no two pieces will be the same. Even when using the same negative, participants' final results will vary uniquely during the workshop.

T27. Quimigramas. Pintar la Plasticidad de la Imagen
Gal Wachs

El taller explora la plasticidad de la imagen a través de actividades prácticas y educativas centradas en la técnica del quimigrama. Comienza con una introducción de los conceptos básicos y el uso de la ampliadora. Luego, se presentan materiales y métodos para alterar la imagen fotográfica. Los participantes tienen la oportunidad de experimentar y crear sus propios quimigramas, fomentando la libertad artística y la colaboración. Al final, se realiza una revisión de los resultados y una discusión reflexiva sobre el proceso.


Desarrollo del taller

• Introducción a la técnica

• Explicación del uso de la ampliadora

• Muestra y explicación de los diferentes materiales, sustancias y métodos de alteración de la imagen fotográfica.

• Creación de pruebas y resultados.

+ Los participantes deberán traer negativos para trabajar sobre sus propias imágenes.

T15. Giant Collective Chemigram Sculpture
Flora Fanzutti

During the workshop, participants will engage in a series of chemical-painting techniques on a single, elongated piece of photosensitive color paper. Using readily available tools, as well as basic photochemicals, household items, and cooking ingredients, they will explore various methods of application. Working outdoors under sunlight, the paper will be gradually unrolled from its container, allowing for a collaborative and interconnected timeline to emerge as each participant contributes to the creation process. The aim is to go beyond the conventional flat surface of photography and explore its materiality in a sculptural context. As the project progresses, the collective creation will evolve into a sculpture, with participants discussing and devising ways to give it a significant physical presence. The final form of the sculpture will be adapted to its environment. At the conclusion of the festival, participants will have the opportunity to cut and take a portion of the sculpture home with them. They will also be encouraged to continue experimenting and creating with their piece, potentially leading to a multitude of interpretations and iterations of the original artwork, dispersed across the globe.



• Introduction to Chemical Painting Techniques.

• Hands-On Exploration.

• participants work together to apply their chosen materials onto the elongated piece of color paper.

• Facilitate discussions on how to manipulate the paper to create texture, depth, and dimension.

• Discuss strategies for giving the sculpture a significant physical presence and adapting its form to its environment.

• Engage participants in discussions and brainstorming sessions to collectively determine the final form and installation spot of the sculpture.

T51. Photopolymer: Making Photographic Etchings
Hilde Maassen

In this workshop, participants will explore the photopolymer technique. Photopolymer is a non-toxic way to reproduce images through etching. Photopolymer film can be mounted on different surfaces and cut into any shape; this offers an enormous range of possibilities. After exposure to UV light and development in water with soda, the image can be inked and printed on paper or fabric. During this workshop we experiment with the basics of the technology using a pasta machine as a printing press.



• Introduction of the photopolymer technique

• Mount photopolymer film on different surfaces

• Expose the photopolymer to UV light

• Develop the photopolymer

• Demonstration of various types of substrates for printing the image

+ Participants must bring a transparent positive (ore use plant, textile or whatever) or use my example material

T35. Copias por Contacto -Fotogramas Caseros- a través de la Hectografía
Sofia Nercasseau

El taller abarca una revisión de la fotografía analógica a lo largo de la historia, con énfasis en la técnica de los fotogramas y rayogramas de Man Ray. Se destacará la importancia de la copia y el original, así como los principios básicos de la fotografía, incluyendo positivo y negativo. También se explorará el proceso del Hectógrafo, una técnica antigua de fotocopiado que se utilizará durante el taller. Además, se revisará la imagen a color, centrándose en la superposición de los tres colores primarios (tricromía). Se realizará la construcción del entintado de la matriz, la selección y composición de las texturas, y la realización de copias como fotogramas. Los participantes aprenderán a realizar copias de las texturas en tres colores para crear una tricromía.


Desarrollo del taller

• Breve introducción a la fotografía análoga a través de la historia

• Exploración del Hectografo

• Exploración de la imagen a color

• Construcción de entintado de la matriz

• Selección y composición de las texturas

• Copias como fotogramas

• Copias de las texturas; tricromía

T19. Chemical Alterations on Films and Landscapes Seeking
Flora Fanzutti

During the workshop, participants will embark on a journey of experimentation by subjecting films of various formats to chemical degradations using a combination of photochemicals, cooking ingredients, and household items. Drawing from my own experiences and techniques developed over the years, including unconventional methods like cyanotype, I will guide participants through the process. Following the chemical treatments, participants will scan the films to digitize their creations. They will then have the opportunity to explore these digital images, manipulating and reframing them to capture new perspectives and unseen elements. This process encourages individual exploration and interpretation, allowing participants to traverse through each other's scanned films and uncover unique visual narratives. At the conclusion of the workshop, the digital images will be compiled into a slideshow for all participants to view. Additionally, if feasible, the slideshow may be made available for public viewing during the festival. Participants will leave the workshop with their treated films and scans, enabling them to continue their exploration and pursue new creative directions at home.



• Introduction to experimental film degratations techniques

• Guide participants through the process of subjecting films to chemical treatments

• Various formats to chemical degradations using a combination of photochemicals, cooking ingredients, and household items

• Instruct participants on how to scan their treated films to digitize their creations.

• Compile the digital images created by participants into a slideshow for all to view at the conclusion of the workshop.

+ Participants must bring Black and White or color films various formats film to be altered definitely, Computer with Photoshop or similar would be a plus to be able to work simultaneously! and a USB key to keep the scans

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