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+ Pinhole
+ Colodión Húmedo  
+ Emulsión Liquida

Célica Véliz – Edward Levinson  –  Francesco Amorosino - Tanja Upravitelev - Justin Quinnell

A tener en cuenta: 

+ El idioma del título indica el idioma del taller. 

+ Para tomar talleres hay que ser participante del festival, regístrate aquí.

T49. The Basics of Pinhole Digital Movie Making
Edward Levinson

This workshop introduces participants to digital filmmaking using a pinhole body cap instead of a lens on a DSLR or mirrorless camera. It explores the fusion of digital technology with the traditional concept of camera obscura. Different techniques for pinhole filmmaking, along with their unique aesthetics, are demonstrated through the presenter's short movies. Similarities and differences between pinhole photography and filmmaking are discussed. Hands-on demonstrations with DSLR and mirrorless cameras are provided, with assistance for camera settings and test shooting. Participants can also make their own pinhole body caps if needed. Materials for aluminum-based pinholes are provided, but participants must bring their own spare body cap or purchase a commercial pinhole body cap beforehand. Even those without a removable lens digital camera are welcome to attend this introductory workshop. 
• illustrated introductory talk. 
• hands on pinhole body cap making as needed. 
• camera settings test. 
• digital pinhole movie hands-on test shooting.

+ Participants who bring their own camera must bring their own EMPTY memory card. Participants must bring their own “spare body cap” that fits their brand of digital camera. Alternatively, participants can purchase a commercially made pinhole body cap for their camera BEFORE the workshop. Participants can also make their own pinhole body caps if needed during the workshop. Materials for aluminum-based pinholes making are provided, but participants must bring their own spare body cap. If possible, please bring a tripod or monopod with video heads or any other stabilizing equipment you may have. An external mic for the camera is also helpful as are small handheld LCD lights in certain instances. Participants without a removeable lens digital camera, but who have an interest in digital pinhole movies are also welcome to attend this introductory workshop. The group may be divided based on experience level. 

T39. All Art In. X-Ray Pinhole Opportunities
Tanja Upravitelev

The workshop will cover pinhole photography theory, exploring its historical, physics, and chemistry aspects. We'll examine optical phenomena by pinhole cameras to order to create a certain atmosphere in our photographs. We get to know Works of contemporary Pinhole artists like Nuala Mahon, Marcia C. Sheer, and Markus Kaesler. In the practical segment, participants will construct pinhole cameras, shoot on photographic paper, and develop negatives. Pinhole photography offers versatility, allowing the use of industrially sensitized paper or x-ray films for transparent negatives. These negatives can be transformed into positive images using various techniques. Workshop options include experimenting with caffenol, an economical and eco-friendly developing agent, and capturing images through multiple pinholes.



• Theory on pinhole photography.

• Introduction to using the optical phenomena of pinhole cameras to create specific atmospheres in photographs.

• Chemical treatment for obtaining an image and its processing.

• Exposure to contemporary artists working with pinhole photography.

• Construction of pinhole cameras.

• Capture of photographs on photographic paper and Development of negatives under red light.

• Versatility of pinhole photography.

• Creation of transparent negatives with X-ray films.

+ Participants must bring cardboard boxes

T38.  Colodión Húmedo y Fotografía Estenopeica
Célica Véliz

En este taller veremos la posibilidad de trabajar La técnica de Colodión Húmedo con cámaras estenopeicas. El colodión húmedo es un proceso de toma fotográfica inventada en 1851. Con este método podemos hacer tomas sobre un vidrio o chapa que son cubiertos con una capa de colodión salado para inmediatamente ser sensibilizado con una solución de nitrato de plata. Todo el procedimiento, incluyendo la toma, el revelado y fijado debe ser hecho en un lapso de tiempo corto antes de que los componentes se sequen. Los negativos obtenidos en vidrio pueden ser pintados de negro para crear un positivo (ambrotipo) o se pueden utilizar otras fórmulas que nos permitirán realizar copias por contacto en diversas técnicas. Cuando trabajamos en chapa obtenemos un positivo llamado ferrotipo (tintype). La idea de utilizar una cámara estenopeica es ampliar el espectro de dispositivos que podamos usar para la técnica. Cualquier cámara en la que podamos abrir el obturador el tiempo que necesitemos, va a a servir. En cuanto a los soportes utilizaremos chapa de aluminio. Este taller consta de una clase de 4 horas de duración y es introductorio a la técnica.

•    Historia de la técnica. Principales referentes.
•    Químicos que componen las soluciones utilizadas y como prepararlos. Normas de seguridad.
•    Práctica de preparación del colodión, nitrato de plata, revelador y fijador.
•    Aplicación de colodion sobre el soporte.
•    Baño de nitrato de plata.
•    Práctica de toma de fotografías con cámaras estenopeicas.
•    Revelado y fijado. Aplicación de barniz

+ Los participantes deberán traer cámaras estenopeicas que puedan ser humedecidas sin romperse (de lata están muy bien). Cada cámara debe poder alojar una placa de 6x6 cm. sin que la misma se caiga. Elementos y vestuario para las fotografías, si así lo desean. Buena onda. Buena actitud. Ganas de divertirse y pasar un rato ameno de aprendizaje. (NOTA:  Cada cámara debe poder alojar una placa de 6x6 cm. ya que no las podemos cortar. Cada participante debería conocer el número f aproximado del estenopo en sus cámaras.)

T48. Wet Plate Collodion and Pinhole Photography
Célica Véliz

In this workshop, we will explore the Wet Plate Collodion technique with Pinhole Cameras. Wet plate collodion is a photographic process invented in 1851. With this method, we can capture images on glass or metal plates coated with a layer of salted collodion, which is then sensitized with a silver nitrate solution. The entire procedure, including exposure, development, and fixing, must be completed quickly before the components dry. The glass negatives obtained can be blackened to create a positive image (ambrotype), or other methods can be used to produce contact prints using various techniques. When working on metal plates, we obtain a positive image known as a tintype. The idea of using a pinhole camera is to expand the range of devices that can be used for this technique. Any camera with an adjustable shutter can be used. Aluminum plates will be used as the supports. This workshop consists of a 4-hour introductory class.

•    History of the technique, main references.
•    Chemicals used in the solutions and how to prepare them. Safety regulations.
•    Practice in preparing collodion, silver nitrate, developer, and fixer.
•    Application of collodion on the support. Silver nitrate bath.
•    Practice in taking photographs with pinhole cameras.
•    Development, fixing, and varnishing application.

+ Participants must bring pinhole cameras that can withstand being wet (made from cans work well). Each camera should be able to accommodate a 6x6 cm plate without it falling out. Participants may also bring props and clothing for the photographs if they wish. Good vibes!, a positive attitude, and a willingness to have fun and enjoy a pleasant learning experience are essential. (NOTE: Each camera should be able to accommodate a 6x6 cm plate as they cannot be cut. Participants should be familiar with the approximate f-number of the pinhole in their cameras.)

T14. Liquid Emulsion on Paper
Francesco Amorosino

In this workshop we’ll see how to use liquid silver salts gelatin emulsion to create unique prints on paper. We will explore the many possibilities of this technique to transform materials in printable supports. The first part will be an introduction to the differences between printing with normal photo paper and with our own coated supports, then we’ll see different examples of works of mine on paper, glass, ceramic, stone and other materials. Then we will print some photos on some supports (that I will prepare in advance) to see the effect of this technique on your photos.



• Introduction to Liquid Silver Salts Gelatin Emulsion

• Exploration of Printable Supports

• Examples and Demonstrations

• Hands-On Printing

• Discussion and Analysis

• Troubleshooting and Q&A

• Conclusion and Reflection

+ Participants should bring some negatives to print and/or digital negatives.

T26. Photo-Sculptures: Liquid Emulsion on Different Materials Francesco Amorosino

In this two parts workshop we’ll see the complete process to create unique piece of art from the idea to the final exhibition form. We will use liquid silver salts gelatin emulsion to transform materials in printable supports. In the first part there will be an introduction to the differences between printing with normal photo papers and with our own coated supports, then we’ll see different examples of works of mine on glass, ceramic, stone and other materials. In the dark room we will coat the supports you will bring with the emulsion. Then we will have to wait for them to dry in the dark for the whole night. During the second part we will collect the dried materials and then print your negatives on the supports we prepared. We will see how the same image changes on different materials and we will choose the right one to transmit the message or the emotion your photo wanted to communicate.



• Introduction to Liquid Silver Salts Gelatin Emulsion

• Exploration of Printable Supports

• Examples and Demonstrations

• Coating Session

• Drying Process

• Printing Session

• Comparative Analysis

• Conclusion and Reflection

+ Participants need to have basic dark room printing techniques. Participants must bring supports and negatives to print on the supports. Best supports are paper, glass, ceramic, wood. If possible put some light layer of isinglass on them before bringing for a more precise result.

T20. Pinhole Digital Movie Making. Hands-on Filmmaking Experience
Edward Levinson

In this hands-on workshop, participants will delve into pinhole and digital filmmaking, aiming to create short films from original video clips. Individuals or teams can choose their shooting style, whether guerrilla street scenes or creative storylines. Alternatively, participants can collaborate to create a single short film, pooling ideas and input from all members. Shooting and editing clips can be time-consuming, with only a few seconds of usable footage from longer scenes. The final two hours focus on editing, adding music, text, and voiceovers using Mac OS computers. Participants can also use their own computers or transfer clips to phones or tablets for editing with familiar apps. Those with their own cameras must bring an empty memory card. Participants without cameras can still contribute by assisting others or offering creative input. (see below). The workshop concludes with a sharing session, and selected works may be showcased to a wider audience if time permits. 
• Quick review of basics of pinhole moving making, equipment check and setup. 
• Generate shooting ideas. 
• Hands-on shooting. “On location outdoors”. As a team(s) or individually. 
• Downloading and editing film. 
• Sharing results and summary


+ Participants who bring their own camera with a pinhole body cap must bring their own EMPTY memory card. Materials for making aluminum-based pinholes are provided if necessary, but its preferred you make  your own BEFORE the workshop; participants must bring their own spare body cap or purchase a commercially made pinhole body cap beforehand. If possible, stabilizing equipment like tripods and external mics are recommended, along with handheld LCD lights for certain shots. IMPORTANT: Please note that it’s possible to participate in this workshop without having your own camera, but by watching and listening and assisting others, directing, offering story ideas, even poetry, or music to fit with the visuals we will create. Beginners and advanced levels are welcome to join as well as musicians and poets and other artists who have an interest in filmmaking. 

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