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+ Digital Experimental

Karolina Gliniewicz – Ralph Nevins – Hilde Maassen - Vitor Schietti

A tener en cuenta: 

+ El idioma del título indica el idioma del taller. 

+ Para tomar talleres hay que ser participante del festival, regístrate aquí.  

T41. Using all Senses. Multidisciplinary Approach in Photography
Karolina Gliniewicz

This workshop will explore multidisciplinary art practices, we'll delve into ASMR multi-sensory video production. Beginning with an overview of terms like intra-, multi-, cross-, inter-, and trans-disciplinary. We'll discuss how each approach encompasses diverse artistic practices and mediums, emphasizing the importance of embracing experimental processes in art creation. Additionally, we'll analyze multidisciplinary art projects in terms of curation, execution, and societal impact, drawing insights from the facilitator's own art approach and research projects in ASMR and AI.



• Multidisciplinary art practice in a nut shell–

• Explain the concept of intra-, multi-, cross-, inter-, trans-disciplinary approaches and their meaning, which can showcase the spectrum of individual art practice and the media we use and emphasise the importance of experimental processes

• Talk about multidisciplinary art projects and their unique nature in terms of curation, execution and social reaction

• Showcase my art approach and briefly discuss my research art projects in ASMR and AI

• ASMR multi-sensory video making • Go through the objects and why they give us goosebumps

• create a ASMR looking shooting set in groups • Explanation of the techniques in more detail in practice, using each of the group’s set: - Video and sound recordings

+ Participants must bring their computer (laptop, notebook) wirh headphones, with video editing software inside (iMovie, Premier Pro, Final Cut) Each participant is must bring one object that brings them goosebumps, it can be anything. If possible participants should bring their video cameras or smartphones to record. This workshop is designed for all levels. However, previous knowledge of video editing software is recommended.

T11. Digital Slitscan Explorations
Ralph Nevins

In this workshop, on slit-scan photography, participants will learn the intricacies of capturing a slice of time in a still image. Beginning with an exploration of the technique's history and theoretical underpinnings, they delved into the technicalities of the camera settings and composition. Outdoor hands on sessions, experimentation, capturing the fluidity of motion in static frames. Culminating in a reflective discussion on time slice photography, participants will gain an appreciation for this technique.



• Introduction to Slit-Scan Photography

• Technical Aspects and Camera Settings

• Hands-On Outdoor Sessions

• Experimentation and Exploration

• Reflective Discussion and Critique

+ Participants must bring their own laptop to edit and can bring a tripod (useful but not necessary), and USB drive / thumb Drive to save images.

T29. Advanced Slitscan: from video to stills
Ralph Nevins

In this workshop, participants will learn about video to still slit-scan photography. We will discuss some of the historical techniques and then continue to more advanced techniques. Outside, we will practice creating videos of moving objects to be able to capture time to distill to a single image. Finally, we talked about what time means in our photos, making us think deeper about the pictures we take.



• Introduction to Video to Still Slit-Scan Photography

• Exploration of Historical Techniques

• Advanced Techniques and Methods

• Outdoor Practical Sessions

• Time and Meaning in Photography

• Deepening Understanding and Critical Thinking

+ Participants must bring their own laptop to edit and can bring a tripod (useful but not necessary), and USB drive / thumb Drive to save images.

T17. What does an Image Sound Like
Hilde Maassen

In this workshop, participants will be able to experiment with the creation of sounds from images. In1922, Laslo Maholy Nagy wondered how images could be converted into sound and what other experiments were possible with sound and photography. Is the sound that could be the heart during the making captured in the photo? What does a photo actually sound like? Digitally, an image consists of pixels. each pixel consists of binary numbers between one and zero. Digital sound is constructed in the same way. During this workshop we will work with a combination of software and simple other experiments to create sound from images in a playful way.



• Short historic review of converting image in sounds.

• What a photo actually sounds like?

• Understanding of the digital field and binary language.

• Engage in hands-on activities combining software and simple experiments to playfully create sound from images.

+ Participants must bring computer (software to be downloaded on the spot), mobile device and a digital image (or make them on the spot)

T3. Light-painting con agua y fuego
Vitor Schietti

En este taller los participantes aprenderán sobre el arte del Lightpainting, incluyendo el uso de chispas y chorros de agua para crear efectos visuales cautivadores. Explorarán diversos aspectos de las artes visuales y la fotografía, abordando temas que van desde referencias visuales hasta técnicas de exposición prolongada y Lightpainting. Se analizará el papel de las referencias visuales en la fotografía y otras formas de arte, así como la relación entre teorías psicoanalíticas y representaciones cinematográficas. Se discutirá el concepto de sueños lúcidos y su influencia en la expresión artística. Además, se profundizará en las técnicas de fotografía de larga exposición, tanto diurnas como nocturnas, con énfasis en métodos y aplicaciones prácticas El taller concluirá con una demostración práctica en un estudio de Lightpainting, donde se enseñarán técnicas básicas para crear utilizando chispas.



• Referencias visuales en la fotografía y en otras artes.

• Estudios del inconsciente: del psicoanálisis al cine.

• Los sueños lúcidos y el universo onírico

• Larga Exposición: técnicas diurnas y nocturnas, referentes, aplicaciones en trabajos comisionados.

• Light painting con chispas

• Light painting con chorros de agua.

• Demonstración sencilla en estúdio de light painting con chispas

+ El participante deberá traer cámara con tripode, bengalas de chispas- Opcional: Filtro ND Sin embargo, en las 4 horas de taller no nos daría tiempo de hacer pruebas con cada participante, así que les propongo solamente enseñarles como lo hago y cada uno puede replicarlo por su propia cuenta después.

T44. Light-painting with Fire and Water
Vitor Schietti

In this workshop, participants will learn about the art of Lightpainting, including the use of sparks and water jets to create captivating visual effects. They will explore various aspects of visual arts and photography, addressing topics ranging from visual references to long exposure techniques and Lightpainting. The role of visual references in photography and other art forms will be analyzed, as well as the relationship between psychoanalytic theories and cinematic representations. The concept of lucid dreaming and its influence on artistic expression will be discussed. Additionally, participants will delve into long exposure photography techniques, both during the day and at night, with an emphasis on methods and practical applications. The workshop will conclude with a hands-on demonstration in a Lightpainting studio, where basic techniques for creating using sparks will be taught.



• Visual references in photography and other arts.

• Studies of the unconscious: from psychoanalysis to cinema.

• Lucid dreams and the dream universe

• Long Exposition: day and night techniques, references, applications in commissioned work.

• Light painting with sparks

• Light painting with water jets.

• Simple demonstration in light painting studio with sparks

+ Participants must bring Camera with tripod, Spark flares. Optional: ND Filter However, in the 4 hours of the workshop we would not have time to do tests with each participant, so I propose only to teach them how I do it and each one can replicate it on their own later.

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